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Raster im StringGrid erzeugen
//Matrix im StringGrid zeichnen //M=Zeilenanzahl //N=Spaltenanzahl procedure DrawMatrix(Grid: TStringGrid; ACol, ARow, M, N: Integer; LineColor: TColor; LineWidth: Integer; State: TGridDrawState; Sender: TObject; Rect: TRect); begin //Horizontale Linien ohne Fixed Spalten if ((ARow-Grid.FixedRows+1) MOD M = 0) AND NOT (gdFixed In State) Then begin with (sender as TStringGrid).Canvas do begin Pen.Color := LineColor; Pen.Width := LineWidth; Pen.Style := psSolid; MoveTo(Rect.Left-1,Rect.Bottom); LineTo(Rect.Right-1,Rect.Bottom); end; end; //Vertikale Linien ohne Fixed Zeilen if ((ACol-Grid.FixedCols+1) MOD N = 0) AND NOT (gdFixed In State) Then begin with (sender as TStringGrid).Canvas do begin Pen.Color := LineColor; Pen.Width := LineWidth; Pen.Style := psSolid; MoveTo(Rect.Right,Rect.Top-1); LineTo(Rect.Right,Rect.Bottom-1); end; end; end;
//Procedure im OnDrawCell des Grid aufrufen procedure TForm1.GridDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); begin //5X5 Matrix zeichnen DrawMatrix(Grid, ACol, ARow, 5, 5, clBlack, 2, State, Sender, Rect); end;